Alipay MS Terms and Conditions
(Updated as of April 2020)
Thank you for using the AlipaySingapore Merchant Account Services, which are governed by these Terms andConditions, including its SchedulesSupplements and Notices if applicable (Please notethat some but not all of the Alipay MS Services may be applicable to you).Please read them carefully.
1. ABOUT Alipay MS
1. These Terms and Conditions are entered into betweenyou and Alipay Merchant Services Pte.Ltd. (company registration number:201735998W), a private limited company incorporated in Singapore ("we", "us", "Alipay MS" or the "Company").
2. The Alipay MS Services are provided by Alipay MS, which is licensed by theMonetary Authority of Singapore under the Payment Services Act 2019 (No. 2 of2019) as a major payment institution. Please note that such licensing does NOTguarantee the performance of payment services and you take the risk of anyloss.
1. These Terms and Conditions, as may be amended orsupplemented from time to time, govern the availability and use of the AlipayMS Services. Together with the Privacy Policy and any other related terms andconditions, they constitute the legal relationship between you and Alipay MS.By registering to use the Alipay MS Services, you agree to these Terms andConditions (as may be amended or supplemented from time to time). To the extentyou use any of the Services under the Alipay MS Services, you may have toaccept additional or supplementary terms and conditions as notified to you whenyou register for or use such Services. The additional or supplementary termsand conditions shall be deemed to form part of these Terms and Conditions.
2. You are responsible for regularly reviewing theseTerms and Conditions. You can always view the current Terms and Conditions onthe Merchant Portal. Alipay MS, in its sole discretion, may amend, revise orupdate these Terms and Conditions and any additional or supplementary terms andconditions that may apply, and it will post the amended Terms and Conditions inthe relevant section of the Merchant Portal. We shall notify you of any materialchanges via email or through the Merchant Portal. The changes will come intoeffect immediately unless otherwise specified in the notice of change. Any suchchange will not affect any transaction that was initiated prior to theeffective date of such change. Your continued use of the Alipay MS Servicesafter any changes to the Terms and Conditions shall constitute your consent tosuch changes.
3. These Terms and Conditions have been prepared inEnglish. In the event of any inconsistency between the original English versionand any translation, the English version shall govern.
3. The Alipay MS Services
1. The Alipay MS Services comprise of basic services("Basic Services") andadvanced services ("AdvancedServices"). Once you have set up your Alipay MS Account, you will beable to receive the Basic Services. The Alipay MS Services that constituteBasic Services are as follows:
Basic Services
Alibaba Settlement Service
This service ("Alibaba Settlement Service") enables you to:
(a) receive into your Alipay MS Account settlement funds for goods and services which you have sold on the Alibaba Platforms, or for which payment is processed by Alipay MS' affiliates ("Alibaba Settlement Service (Receipt)"); and
(b) withdraw, at any time, all or part of the funds in your Alipay MS Account to your bank ("Alibaba Settlement Service (Withdraw)").
Transaction Records Inquiry
You may view and manage your online activity through the Merchant Portal.
Alipay MS may make available such other Basic Services from time to time.
2. Any or all of the Advanced Services are available onlyto selected registered users chosen by Alipay MS at its discretion ("Selected User"). The type ofAdvanced Service offered to a Selected User depends on the profile of theSelected User. Selected Users who choose to receive any or all of AdvancedServices are required to accept additional or supplementary terms andconditions as notified to the Selected User. The additional or supplementaryterms and conditions shall be deemed to form part of these Terms andConditions.
3. Alipay MS is an independent service provider for allpurposes and is not your trustee, nor the agent or trustee of any payer thatyou receive payments from or any payee that you make funds transfers to via theAlipay MS Services. You hereby authorize Alipay MS to execute the transactionsand payments as instructed by you in accordance with these Terms andConditions.
4. Once you have set up your Alipay MS Account, you willbe able to view the amount of funds in the various currencies held in yourAlipay MS Account by logging on to the Merchant Portal. Alipay MS will hold thefunds in an underlying bank account designated by Alipay MS in the name ofAlipay MS for the purpose of providing the Alipay MS Services. The funds inthis underlying bank account will be comingled with those of other Alipay MSAccount users, but it will be held separately from Alipay MS’s corporate fundsand will not be used for its operating expenses or for any other corporatepurposes.
5. The Alipay MS Account is not a bank account or depositnor do the Alipay MS Services offer the features and benefits of a traditionalbank account or deposit. You should not attempt to use the Alipay MS Account asa bank account or deposit. You will not receive any interest or other earningsfrom your Alipay MS Account. The funds are held by Alipay MS for your futureuse of the Alipay MS Services. By accepting these Terms and Conditions youacknowledge that the Singapore Deposit Insurance Scheme provided under theDeposit Insurance and Policy Owners' Protection Schemes Act, Chapter 77B ofSingapore, or other government-sponsored insurance does not apply to the fundsheld in connection with the Alipay MS Services. In the unlikely event that webecome insolvent, you may lose the amount held in your Alipay MS Account.However, we strictly adhere to applicable requirements which are designed toensure the safety and liquidity of funds held on behalf of customers, includingsegregation of customer funds.
6. No person or entity other than the registered user ofthe Alipay MS Account has any rights in relation to the funds held in theAlipay MS Account.
7. The Alipay MS Account and Alipay MS Services may besubject to certain limits and availability, which may depend on your country ofresidence, Applicable Law and other factors used by us to determine such limitsand availability from time to time at our sole discretion.
8. Alipay MS strictly prohibits using the Alipay MSServices while impersonating any person or entity or falsely claiming anaffiliation with any person or entity. The Alipay MS Services are intended toenable payment transactions for business-related and commercialactivities in the course of business and are not intended for personal orperson-to-person use (such as any remittance transactions on behalf of yourcustomers or any other persons). You may only use the Alipay MS Services forthe purposes as stated in these Terms and Conditions. We will block any and alltransactions initiated for personal reasons.
9. The Alipay MS Services are available in multiplecurrencies. These currencies may change, as determined by Alipay MS from timeto time. You should choose the currencies under which you wish to have yourAlipay MS Account held in. You will receive information required to receivefunds into your Alipay MS Account (“Credentials”)for each currency that you hold funds in.
10. You acknowledge and agree that Alipay MS is not involved in the provisionof any goods or services which you have sold to a buyer or obtained from anysupplier. Alipay MS shall not be liable in any way for the goods or serviceswhich you have sold or obtained, as applicable, including without limitationany defect, disruption, failure or unavailability of or relating to such goodsand services. You shall address all queries and resolve any disputes regardingsuch goods or services with the relevant buyer or supplier.
11. If you are registered in China mainland, you shallread and comply with the Cross-border payment and settlement service agreement( that Alipay MS and its affiliates (e.g. Co., Ltd) can provideyou with the relevant services. Please read these terms carefully, especiallythe terms about the limitations or exemptions to the service provider’sliability.
12. Please refer to the Schedules set out below for the corresponding termsand conditions:
Schedule A
Alibaba Settlement Service (Receipt)
Schedule B
Alibaba Settlement Service (Withdraw)
Schedule C
General Terms and Conditions
Schedule D
Prohibited Transactions
Schedule E

Schedule A
alibaba settlement service(receipt)
1. Once you have set up your Alipay MS Account, you willbe able to receive into your Alipay MS Account settlement funds for goods andservices which you have sold on the Alibaba Platforms, or for which payment isprocessed by Alipay MS' affiliates.
2. You can provide your Credentials to payers from whomyou wish to receive payment. You will receive incoming funds based on theCredentials. You will not receive incoming funds if you provide incorrectCredentials.
3. The time it takes for incoming funds to reach AlipayMS is not within Alipay MS's control. If you do not receive an expected inboundfund transfer, we may use reasonable effort to assist your inquiry. Incomingfunds may also be subject to the terms and conditions of the payer originatingthe funds transfer. Any issues or disputes associated with such terms and conditionsshould be resolved directly with the payer originating the fund transfer andare not the responsibility of Alipay MS.
4. You should be aware that using the Alipay MS Servicesto receive incoming funds does not necessarily mean that these transactions cannotbe reversed. We reserve the right to reverse a payment in case of an erroneouspayment or if the payer or the payer's bank or payment service provider hasreversed (or is reasonably likely to reverse) a payment which was used to fundthe payment to you. To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree toimmediately notify Alipay MS and consent to Alipay MS reversing the transactionwhere necessary.
5. We reserve the right to reject or limit payments andfunds transfers to you at any time at our sole discretion. Payments and fundstransfers to you may be rejected for any reason, including but not limited toreasons related to compliance with Applicable Law (including Applicable Law onanti-money laundering) or Alipay MS risk management policies or procedures.When rejecting a payment or funds transfer to you, Alipay MS will be under noobligation to disclose the reason for the rejection.
6. Only payers approved by Alipay MS in Alipay MS's solediscretion may make payments or transfer funds to your Alipay MS Account.Incoming fund transfers sent by payers that are not approved by Alipay MS willbe declined and returned to the payer. Any costs and expenses associated withthe declined incoming fund transfers shall be borne by you or the payer, asapplicable. If an incoming fund transfer is rejected for any reason, fees maybe charged by the bank or other provider sending the payment or fund transfer.You are solely responsible for any fees incurred in connection with payments orfund transfers that are rejected.

Schedule B
1. You can request a withdrawal of all or part of thefunds held in your Alipay MS Account at any time to your bank account, subjectto Applicable Law and Alipay MS’ policies and procedures.
2. To effect the withdrawal, you must log into theMerchant Portal, provide the details of the bank account, and enter the amountto be transferred. We are no longer responsible for the withdrawal payment oncethe withdrawn funds are received by the specified bank.
3. The Alibaba Settlement Service (Withdraw) may besubject to withdrawal and transfer limits which we may impose in our solediscretion from time to time. These limits may be adjusted dynamicallydepending on the type of identification document(s) you have provided to us aswell as on any other criteria we set from time to time. You can view theselimits at any time in the Merchant Portal. Before transferring any funds to thespecified bank account, you must ensure that your current withdrawal limitshave not been exceeded.
4. We may decline or defer your request for withdrawaland require you to send us additional documents to verify certain informationsuch as your identity, address or source of funds before we effect the transferof funds. You agree to cooperate with us regarding such verification.
5. You must not make a withdrawal to a bank account ifyou are not the named holder of that account. We take any violation of thisrequirement very seriously and may treat any breach of this requirement or anattempt to circumvent this requirement as a fraudulent act.
6. You must ensure that the payment details you enterwhen requesting a withdrawal are correct and complete. Providing Alipay MS withaccurate information shall be your sole responsibility. We will not be liablefor withdrawn funds being sent to the wrong bank account as a result of youproviding incorrect payment details. When withdrawing or transferring to a bankaccount, you must ensure that the account number, routing number, sort code,IBAN and/or BIC/SWIFT, and any other required information, are correct. In theevent that Alipay MS receives inaccurate payment information and the transferis later rejected, you may be charged payment rejection fees which may bededucted from your current payment or any future payments. If you havewithdrawn or transferred funds to the wrong bank account, you may request thatwe assist you in reclaiming the funds, however, we may charge you anadministration fee for doing so and we cannot guarantee that the reclamationefforts will be successful.
7. Alipay MS will initiate a withdrawal or transfer tothe specified bank account in the currency and amount you selected. Any feeswhich may be charged by the bank provider or any other payment provider notdirectly associated with Alipay MS or the withdrawal or transfer are your soleresponsibility and Alipay MS shall not be liable for such fees.
8. Once requested, withdrawals to the specified bankaccount may not be sent back to your Alipay MS Account and you will not be ableto refund funds transferred into the specified bank account back to your AlipayMS Account.
9. We will not be liable for any restrictions imposed bythe bank on any transfer.
10. You can only make a withdrawal or payment using yourAlipay MS Account balance to the extent that you have enough balance to supportthe withdrawals or payments. You are not allowed to make a withdrawal orpayment in excess of your Alipay MS Account balance. We will not extend creditin connection with your use of the Alipay MS Account.
11. In the event any withdrawal or payment is notsuccessful and the funds revert back to us, you authorize us to credit thefunds back to your Alipay MS Account, less any fees which may be charged by thebank provider or any other payment provider.

Schedule C
This Schedule C sets out the general terms andconditions applicable to all Alipay MS Services.
1. Only a business or individual engaging in commercialactivity in the course of business may apply to use the Alipay MS Services. Inorder to use the Alipay MS Services you must first register in the MerchantPortal by providing certain information and details. You may only register forthe Alipay MS Services by completing the online application form. During theapplication process, you will be subject to Alipay MS's Know Your Customer("KYC") process and AlipayMS's approval policies in place at the time of your application. As part of theregistration process, you will need to accept these Terms and Conditions andother Alipay policies that will be included in the registration process.Depending on the types of Services you register for, you may be asked toprovide additional information or documents or to accept additional orsupplementary terms and conditions covering such Services.
2. You authorize Alipay MS, directly or through thirdparties, to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validate your identityor the identity of your business entity, and its directors and beneficialowners, as applicable. This may include asking you for further information,requiring you to provide your date of birth, a taxpayer identification numberand other information that will allow us to reasonably identify you or yourbusiness entity, requiring you to take steps to confirm ownership of your emailaddress or financial instruments, ordering a credit report, or verifying yourinformation against third party databases or through other sources. We may alsoask to see your driver's license, passport or other identifying documents, aswell as certain business entity documentation, at any time. Depending on thetypes of Alipay MS Services you register for, Alipay MS may be required tofurther verify some of your details or your business entity's details. AlipayMS reserves the right to close, suspend, or limit access to the Alipay MSServices you register for in the event we are unable to obtain or verify thisinformation or if the information does not satisfy our requirements.
3. If you are an individual, you must be 18 years or olderto use the Alipay MS Services and by registering, you represent that you are 18years or older. We may require at any time that you provide evidence of yourage.
4. Each individual or business entity may only open oneAlipay MS Account.
5. You agree to comply with any Applicable Law in the relevant jurisdictions.You may register for the Alipay MS Services only if it is legal to do so inyour country or other jurisdiction of residence. If you registered for theAlipay MS Services on behalf of a business or commercial entity, you must belegally authorized under the business entity's formation documents to agree tothese Terms and Conditions and you must be allowed to use the Alipay MSServices by the Applicable Law of the jurisdiction governing the business entity.By registering, you represent and warrant to us that your use of the Alipay MSServices does not violate any Applicable Law applicable to you.
6. Upon registration for the Alipay MS Services, providedthat you are not restricted in your country from using such services, you willbe provided with information to enable you to use the Alipay MS Services, suchas the Credentials.
7. We may require you to provide us with additional information and documentsfrom time to time prior to using the Alipay MS Services. Such additionalinformation might include documents allowing Alipay MS to verify the source ofthe funds, including but not limited to invoices for services delivered forwhich you are being paid, and payment confirmation from the entity sending thefunds. We may request additional information to enable us to comply with anyApplicable Law. Such information will be used in conjunction with otherinformation we have in connection with your use of the Alipay MS Services.Failure to provide such requested information may result in us denying your useof the Alipay MS Services. All information you provide us must be accurate andcomplete. If we cannot verify that this information is accurate, we may denyyour use of the Alipay MS Services, or terminate your use of the Alipay MSServices.
1. You must ensure that your information on record withAlipay MS is always accurate and up to date and we shall not be liable for anyloss arising out of your failure to do so. We may ask you at any time toconfirm the accuracy of your information or to provide documents or otherevidence verifying such information.
2. We may contact you by e-mail, via the Merchant Portalor in other ways described in the How We Communicate paragraph below (paragraph9 of this Schedule C), with information or notices regarding your use of theAlipay MS Services. It is your responsibility to regularly check your Alipay MSAccount page online in the Merchant Portal and the proper functioning of youre-mail account or other methods of communication that you have registered withAlipay MS and to promptly retrieve and read our communications relating to youruse of the Alipay MS Services. We shall not be liable for any loss arising outof your failure to do so. You will be liable for any loss that directly resultsfrom any failure to submit, or notify us of a change in, your contact detailsin accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
3. Information regarding payments received, paymentssent, withdrawals, fees charged and other Alipay MS Services activity aredisplayed when you access your Alipay MS Account in the Merchant Portal. Eachtransaction is shown in the transaction history. You should check your AlipayMS Account balance and transaction history regularly. You should report anyirregularities or clarify any questions you have as soon as possible bycontacting Alipay Global Merchant Management Team.
4. In order to file a claim for an unauthorized orincorrectly executed transaction, you must immediately notify us after becomingaware of the unauthorized or incorrect transaction and in any event no laterthan sixty (60) days after the debit date of the transaction.
5. If your funds remain with Alipay MS for such period asmay be prescribed by Applicable Law on escheat and we are unable to contactyou, the funds may be required to be turned over to the relevant regulatoryauthorities under Applicable Law on escheat. Each jurisdiction has varying lawsas to when the Alipay MS Account is subject to escheat, and Alipay MS may berequired to send the funds to the jurisdiction of your last known address. Wewill make reasonable efforts to contact you before transferring escheatablefunds to a relevant regulatory authority.
6. We may close, suspend, or limit your access to youruse of the Alipay MS Account or Alipay MS Services and/or limit access to yourfunds if you violate these Terms and Conditions or, any other agreement you enterinto with Alipay MS or pursuant to any proprietary fraud and risk modeling usedby Alipay MS when assessing the risk associated with your use of the Alipay MSServices. We may also limit your access to funds per Applicable Law or theinstructions of law enforcement or our regulators.
7. If we receive a complaint and supporting materials(such as purchase records or a Temporary Restraining Order issued by a court)from a third party right holder alleging intellectual property infringementagainst you, we may, in our sole discretion, terminate, suspend or limit youruse of the Alipay MS Services or access to funds in your Alipay MS Account. Therestraints we may put on your Alipay MS Account include but are not limited tofreezing all or part of the funds in your Alipay MS Account. These restraints may remain in place untilyou fully resolve the disputes with the third party complainant. In the eventthat you and the third party complainant reach a settlement agreement, we maytransfer funds from your Alipay MS Account to the third party complainant orits representative, in accordance with and for the purpose of fulfilling thesettlement agreement.
8. If you do not actively use the Alipay MS Services wemay consider you to be inactive. Inactivity means that you (a) have not loggedinto your Alipay MS Account on the Merchant Portal for six (6) months or (b)had no transactions on your Alipay MS Account for six (6) months. Once you havebeen deemed inactive we may disable certain features and services, up to andincluding suspending your use of the Alipay MS Services. You may request AlipayMS to reactivate your Alipay MS Account at any time and Alipay MS mayreactivate your Alipay MS Account, in its sole discretion. To reactivate yourAlipay MS Account, you may be required to provide information to verify youridentity. If you do not reactivate your Alipay MS Account within one (1) yearfrom the date you had last logged in or the last transaction date on yourAlipay MS Account, and you have a balance in your Alipay MS Account, you may becharged a recurring inactivity fee which may over time reduce the balance inyour Alipay MS Account to zero. We reserve the right to close your Alipay MSAccount and terminate these Terms and Conditions in the event your Alipay MSAccount balance is zero at any time after one (1) year from the date you hadlast logged in or the last transaction date on your Alipay MS Account. If youdo not reactivate your Alipay MS Account within two (2) years from the date youhad last logged in or the last transaction date on your Alipay MS Account, andyou have a balance on your Alipay MS Account despite being charged anadministrative fee, we reserve the right to close your Alipay MS Account andterminate these Terms and Conditions. We will make reasonable efforts to notifyyou (1) before we suspend your account, (2) before we start to charge arecurring inactivity fee and (3) before we close your Alipay MS Account andterminate these Terms and Conditions.
1. You must take all reasonable steps to keep your AlipayMS Account password safe at all times and never disclose it to anyone. AlipayMS representatives will never ask you to provide your password to us or to athird party. Any message you receive or website you visit that asks for yourpassword, other than the Merchant Portal, should be reported to us. If you arein doubt whether a website is genuine, you should contact Alipay GlobalMerchant Management Team. It is advisable to change your password regularly inorder to reduce the risk of a security breach. We also advise you not to choosea password that is easily determined from information someone may know orgather about you.
2. If you have any indication or suspicion of your AlipayMS Account, login details, password, Credentials or other security featurebeing lost, stolen, misappropriated, used without authorization or otherwisecompromised, you must immediately change your password, and contact AlipayGlobal Merchant Management Team. Any delay in or failure to notify us may notonly affect the security of your Alipay MS Account but may result in you beingliable for any losses as a result.
3. We may suspend your Alipay MS Account or otherwiserestrict its functionality, in our sole discretion, on grounds relating to thesecurity of the Alipay MS Account or any of its security features or if wesuspect that an unauthorized or fraudulent use of your Alipay MS Account hasoccurred or that any of its security features have been compromised. We willlift the suspension and/or the restriction as soon as practicable after thecircumstances for the suspension and/or restriction have ceased to exist.
4. You must take all reasonable care to ensure that youre-mail account(s) are secure and only accessed by you, as your e-mail addressis one of the ways used to reset passwords or to communicate with you about thesecurity of your Alipay MS Account. If the e-mail addresses registered withyour Alipay MS Account is compromised, you should immediately contact AlipayGlobal Merchant Management Team.
5. Regardless of whether you are using a public, a sharedor your own computer to access your Alipay MS Account, you must always ensurethat your login details are not stored by the browser or cached or otherwiserecorded. You should never use any functionality that allows login details orpasswords to be stored by the computer you are using.
6. Additional Alipay products or services you use mayhave additional security requirements as specified in their applicable termsand conditions.
7. Only the individual named in Alipay MS records isauthorized to use the Alipay MS Services. You may not appoint or authorizeadditional persons to use the Alipay MS Services without our prior writtenconsent. You are responsible for all transactions initiated and fees incurredby use of the Alipay MS Services. If you allow another person to have accesswithout our prior written consent, you will be liable for all transactions andfees incurred by such use. You are wholly responsible for the use of the AlipayMS Services according to these Terms and Conditions.
1. You may close your Alipay MS Account at any time bycontacting Alipay Global Merchant Management Team.
2. If your Alipay MS Account holds a balance at the timeof its closure, we will ask you to withdraw your funds within a reasonableperiod of time, during which your Alipay MS Account will be accessible for thepurpose of withdrawing the remaining balance only. After the expiry of thisperiod you will not be able to access your Alipay MS Account but you maywithdraw any remaining funds by contacting Alipay Global Merchant ManagementTeam and requesting that the funds be sent to you in a manner that isreasonably acceptable for us. You may continue to withdraw remaining funds fora period of six (6) months, or such later period subject to Applicable Law,from the date of closure of your Alipay MS Account, but we suggest that youwithdraw your remaining funds as soon as possible as they will not earn anyinterest while remaining in your Alipay MS Account. Your obligations withregards to keeping your Alipay MS Account safe as set forth in the Keeping YourAlipay MS Account Safe paragraph above (paragraph 3 of this Schedule C) shallcontinue to apply.
3. We reserve the right to carry out any necessary checksrelating to money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud or other illegalactivity before authorizing any withdrawal of your funds, including in relationto returning any funds to you after you have closed your Alipay MS Account.
4. Once your Alipay MS Account is closed (whether by usin accordance with these Terms and Conditions or by you) and all funds havebeen withdrawn or your Alipay MS Account balance is zero, these Terms andConditions will be deemed to be automatically terminated (save for thoseprovisions which are specifically stated as surviving termination).
1. The Alipay MS Services may be subject to service,currency conversion and other fees. All pricing and fees are set forth in theMerchant Portal unless they have been separately advised and agreed with you(the "Pricing andFees"). The Pricing and Feesare incorporated herein by reference and form part of these Terms andConditions. The Pricing and Fees are subject to change in Alipay MS's solediscretion.
2. You agree to pay all Pricing and Fees and yourcontinued use of the Alipay MS Services indicates your continued acceptance ofthe Pricing and Fees. We will publish any updated fees online and post amessage in the Merchant Portal. If you are unclear as to any applicable fee,you should contact Alipay Global Merchant Management Team.
3. Your transactions may be subject to currencyconversions. If you make a withdrawal or transfer from your Alipay MS Accountdenominated in one currency to an account in a different currency, then theremay be a fee for the conversion into the destination currency as specified inthe Pricing and Fees.
4. Fees payable by you will be deducted from your AlipayMS Account and you hereby authorize us to so deduct such fees. Transaction feeswill be charged when the transaction is executed. If the balance in your AlipayMS Account is insufficient to cover the fees, we may refuse to execute thepayment. Reversal fees will be deducted when incurred.
5. You may be charged a recurring inactivity fee if youhave not used the Alipay MS Services for a period of one year from your lastlog in or last transaction. Such fee may, over time, reduce the balance in yourAlipay MS Account to zero.
1. We will ensure that all your personal information isheld in accordance with the data privacy and security provisions of ApplicableLaw, and our published Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy, whichsets out some or all of the ways we may collect, use, disclose, and manage yourpersonal information and is available at Alipay MS in its sole discretionmay amend the Privacy Policy by an update on the Privacy Policy page of the Merchant Portal. You may review the Privacy Policy at any time by clicking onthe Privacy Policy section on the Merchant Portal.
2. You will receive notifications in the Merchant Portalor by email that will inform you about new product features, promotions, etc.By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree to receive suchnotifications on a regular basis. If you do not wish to receive anynotifications from us, please contact Alipay Global Merchant Management Team.
3. In order to perform the obligations under thisAgreement and for the purpose of providing you with Alipay MS Services and/orother related services, your data may be collected by our affiliates, Co., Ltd. (“Alipay China”) and/or Alipay Singapore E-Commerce Private Limited (“AlipaySingapore”), and that Alipay Chinaand/or Alipay Singapore may share such data with us.
1. It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that youonly make payments to or receive payments from persons or entities inconnection with commercial transactions in compliance with any Applicable Law.The mere fact that a person or entity accepts payments through us is not anindication of the legality of the supply or provision of their goods andservices. If you are in doubt as to the legality of a supply or purchase, youshould not continue with your payment. Alipay MS makes no representation orwarranty as to any products and services provided by any Alipay MS Accountholder.
2. In case of a (i) bona fide unauthorized payment or(ii) payment that was incorrectly executed due to an error by us, we shall atyour request promptly refund the payment amount including all fees deductedtherefrom, as long as you notify us of the unauthorized or incorrect paymentwithin sixty (60) days from the date of the transaction. This shall not applyif, in our sole discretion, you failed to comply with the provisions of theKeeping Your Alipay MS Account Safe paragraph above (paragraph 3 of thisSchedule C).
3. To the extent the security of the email account used toregister for the Alipay MS Services has been compromised, Alipay MS shall notbe liable for any funds lost, or any unauthorized payments made, as a result ofsuch compromise.
4. In case of any incorrect or misdirected but authorizedpayment, we shall take reasonable measures to assist you with tracing and, ifreasonably possible, recovering such payments, but we shall not be liable forany payments that cannot be recovered.
5. We shall not be liable for any disruption orimpairment of our Services or for disruptions or impairments of intermediaryservices on which we rely for the performance of our obligations hereunder,provided that such disruption or impairment is due to abnormal andunforeseeable circumstances beyond our reasonable control or the control of theintermediary affected.
6. We shall not be liable for any system suspension whichwe have announced in advance.
7. We shall not be liable for any losses arising from ourcompliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
8. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall operate toexclude liability for gross negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentationor for any other liability that cannot be excluded or amended by agreementbetween the parties under Applicable Law.
9. Our obligation under these Terms and Conditions islimited to providing you with the Alipay MS Services and does not create anyresponsibility for, nor make any statement in relation to or endorsement of thequality, safety or legality of any goods or services which you have purchased orsold.
10. You are solely responsible for reporting to allapplicable government tax authorities all payments received into your Alipay MSAccount and for the payment of any applicable taxes that apply to suchpayments, as well as any other applicable reporting requirements, including butnot limited to, any customs or foreign currency controls. You represent andwarrant that you are in compliance with the U.S. Foreign Account Tax ComplianceAct ("FATCA") and all Applicable Law on tax and will remain compliant during theterm of these Terms and Conditions. Alipay MS does not assume anyresponsibility for any tax reporting or 1099K filing obligations. In the eventthat Alipay MS is required to collate information and documents from you forthe purposes of reporting to any authorities at the request from the relevantauthorities, Alipay MS will request such from you and you are obligated toprovide the same to Alipay MS upon request.
11. You are solely responsible for any taxes imposed byany tax authorities arising from the use of the services governed under theseTerms and Conditions.
12. You agree to defend, reimburse or compensate us andhold us, our other companies in our corporate group and any third parties onwhich we rely or partner with to deliver products and services (collectively,the "Indemnified Persons")harmless from any claim, demand, expenses or costs (including tax, legal fees,fines or penalties) that the Indemnified Persons incur or suffer due to orarising out of your or your agents' breach of these Terms and Conditions,breach of any Applicable Law (including any Applicable Law relating toanti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, anti-briberyand anti-corruption, currency control and tax) and/or use of the Alipay MSServices. You hereby authorize us to set off any amounts which you owe to theIndemnified Persons pursuant to this paragraph from the balance in your AlipayMS Account. This provision shall survive termination of these Terms andConditions.
15. You acknowledge that Alipay MS will provide the AlipayMS Services using facilities and services provided by banks, payment serviceproviders and clearing networks, and may also delegate any or all of its rightsand responsibilities under these Terms and Conditions to its affiliates,independent contractors or other third parties (collectively, the "Providers"). No agreement exists between the Providers andyourself and each of the Providers will accordingly have no direct liability toyou. You will not be a party to any agreement which Alipay MS may enter intowith the Providers from time to time, and accordingly you have no right toenjoy or enforce any benefit under such agreement or to claim against theProviders.
1. We may terminate or suspend your use of the Alipay MSServices at any time in our sole discretion. Grounds for termination orsuspension, including access to funds, include but are not limited to, (a) yourviolation of these Terms and Conditions, (b) your provision of any false,incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information, (c) you are engaged infraudulent, money laundering, terrorism financing or other illegal activity orwe reasonably suspect the same, (d) we reasonably believe that your Alipay MSAccount has been compromised or for other security reasons, (e) if we arerequired to do so under any Applicable Law, or at the direction of anyregulatory, law enforcement or other competent authority, (f) if you have beendeemed inactive, or (g) as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions. Weshall notify you either prior to the suspension or termination or, if priornotification is not possible under the circumstances, promptly after thesuspension or termination, unless we are prohibited by Applicable Law to notifyyou. You may terminate your use of the Alipay MS Services with us at any timein accordance with the Closing Your Alipay MS Account paragraph above(paragraph 4 of this Schedule C).
2. If Alipay MS or its affiliates reasonably concludethat any change in any Applicable Law, including but not limited to anyapplicable government authority’s ruling, notice, policy or guidance (“Changein Law”) requires, or will require,Alipay MS or its affiliates to incur material incremental costs to comply withthe change, or will prohibit Alipay MS or its affiliates from performingmaterial obligations under these Terms and Conditions, then Alipay MS willmodify any provision of these Terms and Conditions as may be necessary toenable Alipay MS or its affiliates to comply with the Change in Law, asapplicable. Notwithstanding anythingcontrary in these Terms and Conditions, in the event that any Change in Lawrequires Alipay MS to terminate any or all of the Alipay MS Services or theseTerms and Conditions immediately, Alipay MS has the right to terminate themimmediately by written notice to you.
3. If we have terminated your use of the Alipay MSServices pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, we may in our sole discretiontake steps to close your Alipay MS Account. Together with a termination noticeor at any time thereafter we may give you instructions on how to withdrawremaining funds.
4. Termination of your use of the Alipay MS Services willnot affect our right to make deductions for any outstanding or unpaid fees.
1. To the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Law,these Terms and Conditions and any other agreements, notices or othercommunications from Alipay MS to you regarding our services being offered("Communications") may be provided to you electronically, and youconsent and agree to receive Communications in an electronic form. ElectronicCommunications may be posted on the pages within the Merchant Portal and/ordelivered to your email address. You can print a paper copy of or download anyelectronic Communication and retain it for your records. All Communications inelectronic format will be considered to be "in writing". Alipay MSreserves the right to provide Communications in paper format. Your consent toreceive Communications electronically is valid until you revoke your consent bynotifying us. If you revoke your consent to receive Communicationselectronically, we may terminate your right to use the Merchant Portal andAlipay MS Services, and you accept sole liability for any consequence resultingfrom suspension or termination of the Alipay MS Services, to the extentpermitted by Applicable Law.
2. We usually communicate with you via e-mail or byposting messages in the Merchant Portal. For this purpose you must at all timesmaintain at least one valid e-mail address. You are required to check forincoming messages regularly and frequently. Messages may contain links tofurther communication on our website. Any communication or notice sent bye-mail will be deemed received by you on the same day if it is received in youre-mail inbox or is posted to the Merchant Portal before 5:00 PM Singapore timeon a Business Day. If it is received after 5:00 PM Singapore time on a BusinessDay or at any other time, it will be deemed received on the next Business Day.
3. Where legislation requires us to provide informationto you on a durable medium, we will either send you an e-mail (with or withoutattachment) or send you a notification pointing you to information in theMerchant Portal in a way that enables you to print and retain the informationor another format that can be retained by you permanently for future reference.You are required to keep copies of all communications we send or make availableto you.
4. You can request a copy of the current Terms andConditions or any other contractual document relevant to you by contactingAlipay Global Merchant Management Team.
5. In order to view emails you need a computer withe-mail software that can display e-mails in HTML format. We may also send youattachments in Portable Document Format (PDF).
6. If you are unsure whether a communication isoriginating from us, please contact Alipay Global Merchant Management Team.
7. We may make available different languages forcommunication, but we reserve the right to communicate with you in English andyou will always accept communications made to you in English. Documents orcommunications in any other languages are for convenience only and shall notconstitute an obligation on us to conduct any further communication in thatlanguage.
8. Apart from communicating via e-mail, we may contactyou via letter, telephone, SMS or mobile phone, where appropriate, and we mayrequire communication via SMS in order to authenticate payments or otheractivity. Any communication or notice sent by post will be deemed receivedthree (3) days from the date of posting. Any communication or notice sent bySMS will be deemed received the same day.
9. You may contact us at any time by emailing AlipayGlobal Merchant Management Team.
1. Any complaints about us or the services we provideshould be addressed to us in the first instance by contacting Alipay GlobalMerchant Management Team. You should clearly indicate that you wish to make acomplaint to us. This helps us to distinguish a complaint from a typical query.We may send an acknowledgement of complaint or request additional informationfrom you regarding your complaint.
2. Our goal is to provide you with a prompt answer orresolution to your complaint where possible. Nothing contained herein, however,constitutes a commitment by Alipay MS to resolve your complaint.
1. No person other than the registered user of the AlipayMS Account shall have any rights under these Terms and Conditions.
2. Your use of the Alipay MS Services is personal to youand you may not assign any rights under the Terms and Conditions to any thirdparty nor grant any third party a legal or equitable interest in connectionwith your use of the Alipay MS Services. You may not delegate, in whole or inpart, these Terms and Conditions to any person or entity.
3. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed bySingapore law. In the event of any dispute or claim arising from or inconnection with these Terms and Conditions or your use of the Alipay MSServices, the relevant parties shall resolve such dispute or claim throughamicable negotiations. If such disputeor claim is still not resolved (including any dispute on the existence,validity or termination of these Terms and Conditions), you irrevocably consentto the matter being referred to and finally resolved by arbitration inSingapore administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”). If anydispute is submitted to the SIAC for arbitration, the arbitration shall beconducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) inforce at the time of applying for arbitration, which rules are deemed to beincorporated by reference in this paragraph. The seat of the arbitration shallbe Singapore. The arbitration panel shall consist of one singlearbitrator. Unless the parties agreeotherwise, the arbitration shall be conducted in English. The arbitration award rendered by the SIACshall be final and binding on all the relevant parties.
4. If any provision of this Agreement is held to beinvalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remainingprovisions shall be enforced.
5. Headings are for reference purposes only and in no waydefine, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section orparagraph.
6. No agency, partnership, joint venture,employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or createdby these Terms and Conditions.
7. Any failure by Alipay MS to exercise any of our rightsunder these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right ora waiver with respect to subsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall beeffective only if made in writing.
8. Alipay MS shall have the right to assign these Termsand Conditions (including all of our rights, titles, benefits, interests, andobligations and duties in these Terms and Conditions) to any of our affiliatesand to any successor in interest. Alipay MS may delegate certain of Alipay MS’rights and responsibilities under these Terms and Conditions to its affiliates,independent contractors or other third parties.
9. A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions has no rightsunder the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, toenforce any term of these Terms and Conditions, save that where any obligationsis owed by you to an Alipay MS affiliate, each of such Alipay MS affiliate mayenforce the terms of these Terms and Conditions against you.
10. Ifyou are a Singapore resident, your relevant money (as defined in the PaymentServices Act 2019 (No. 2 of 2019)) is being safeguarded by an undertaking fromStandard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited which will be fully liable to youfor such relevant money.

Schedule D
This Schedule D is applicable to all Alipay MSServices.
1. You will not use the Alipay MS Services or website forany illegal, fraudulent or other prohibited activity. If Alipay MS suspectsthat you may be engaging in or have engaged in a fraudulent, illegal orprohibited activity, including any violation of these Terms and Conditions,your access to the Alipay MS Services and website may be suspended orterminated. Additionally, depending on the severity of the violations, we maycontact law enforcement and will have no obligation to inform you of the same.
2. It is strictly forbidden to make or receive paymentsas consideration for or in connection with the following prohibited productsand services:
Illegal political audio visual products and publications
Illegal political program channels
State secret documents and information
Pornographic and vulgar audio visual products, channels and publications
Pornographic and vulgar erotic services
Gambling devices and accessories
Gambling service
Narcotics and related accessories
Weapons of all types (including daggers, firearms and accessories), replica weapons, ammunitions and explosives)
Military or police equipment
Illegally obtained proceeds or properties as result of crime
Poisonous or hazardous chemicals
Batons and electric batons
Lock picking tools and accessories
Anesthetic, psychotropic or prescription medicine illegal unregistered medicine
Fetal gender determination
Medical services, including medical consulting, hypnotherapy, plastic surgery
Hacking services or accessories
Illegal publication of certificates issuing or carving of stamps
Crowd funding
Video chatting services
All religious websites, publication or accessories
Online cemeteries and ancestor worshipping
Sales of personal information (e.g. identity card information)
Espionage equipment and accessories
Services or products that infringe on personal privacy (e.g. online activity monitoring)
Pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing
Gold investment
Cash disbursement from credit funding sources (e.g. credit cards)
Counterfeit currency
Illegal sale of financial information (e.g. bank accounts, bank cards)
Stock and securities
Mutual Funds
Insurance products and platforms
Financial products and services
Rebate or cashback services
Software or products related to trading of financial products and information
Single-purpose prepaid cards (including gift cards and other stored value cards)
Illegal or un-registered fund-raising activities
Foreign exchange services
Peer to peer (P2P) lending services
Payment by instalments service
Trading in invoices issued within the Peoples’ Republic of China
Trading or sale of virtual currencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin)
Satellites and antennas
Archaeological and cultural relics
Trading or distribution of currency (both RMB and foreign currencies)
Counterfeit or replica food products
Online sale of tobaccos and cigarettes
Fireworks and firecrackers
Crude oil
Human organs
Surrogacy services
Services to facilitate plagiarism and examination fraud
Protected species
Smuggled goods
Sales of distribution of event tickets without license (e.g. Olympic Games or World Expo tickets)
Real estates
Charitable Organizations
Auction sites and services
Pawn services
Lucky draw
Sale of animals, plants or products with contagious and hazardous diseases
Sale of animals, plants or products originating from areas declared with an epidemic outbreak of contagious diseases
Services or products facilitating unlawful public gathering
3. You may not use the Alipay MS Services if you areresiding, working or conducting business in any country restricted by the U.S.Office of Foreign Assets Control, or subject to sanctions imposed underApplicable Law. We may in our sole discretion decide to discontinue or restrictour services to residents of other countries at any time and without priornotice.
4. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your useof the Alipay MS Services at any time if we reasonably believe to be requiredto do so by Applicable Law or in order to comply with recommendations issued bya relevant government authority or recognized body for the prevention offinancial crime.
5. It is strictly forbidden to use the Alipay MS Servicesfor any illegal purposes including but not limited to fraud, money launderingand terrorism financing. We will report any suspicious activity to the relevantlaw enforcement agency. You are prohibited from using the Alipay MS Services inany attempt to abuse, exploit or circumvent any Applicable Law.
6. If you conduct or attempt to conduct any transactionin violation of the prohibitions contained in this Schedule D or without thenecessary approval from Alipay MS, we reserve the right to (i) reverse thetransaction; (ii) terminate or suspend your use of the Alipay MS Services orAlipay MS Account; (iii) report the transaction to the relevant law enforcementagency; and (iv) claim damages from you.

Schedule E
Various terms in these Terms and Conditions have a defined meaning as setout in the table below. Words importing the singular shall include the pluraland vice versa.
Advanced Services
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.1.
Alibaba Platforms
means the e-commerce platforms provided by Alibaba Group, including,,,,, or other platforms operated by Alibaba Group
Alibaba Settlement Service
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.1.
Alibaba Settlement Service (Receipt)
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.1.
Alibaba Settlement Service (Withdraw)
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.1.
Alipay Global Merchant Management Team
means our merchant services and management team, which you can reach by emailing (business support) or (technical support).
Alipay MS
means Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd. (company registration number: 201735998W) and its successors and assigns.
Alipay MS Services
means all of our products and services and any other features, technologies and functionalities offered by us on the Merchant Portal or through other means (each a "Service”), and which comprise the Basic Services and Advanced Services.
Alipay MS Account
means the account established for each user of Alipay MS Services to effect the registration for, and enable the ongoing use of, the Alipay MS Services and does not constitute a bank account or other financial instrument. Such Alipay MS Account includes customer information, payment history and other information related to such customer's use of the Alipay MS Services.
Applicable Law
means any law, regulation, rule, requirement, judgement, decree, order, notice or directive, including, without limitation, any global, federal, country, state or local laws, rules and regulations and including those issued by governmental or regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over you or Alipay MS, that are applicable to you or Alipay MS or you or Alipay MS' business or which you or Alipay MS is otherwise subject to.
Basic Services
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.1.
Business Day
means any day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public or bank holiday in Singapore.
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.9.
Merchant Portal
means the web portal owned and operated by Alipay Singapore E-commerce Private Limited (company registration number: 201000378D) which is accessible to all registered users of the Alipay MS Accounts, available at
Pricing and Fees
has the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule C, paragraph 5.1.
Privacy Policy
means Alipay MS's policy governing the collection, use, processing, disclosure and transfer of personal data which is available on the Merchant Portal, as may be amended from time to time.
Selected User
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 3.2.
Terms and Conditions
means these Alipay MS Terms and Conditions, including the Schedules, which may be amended or supplemented from time to time, and as may be published on the Merchant Portal. Any additional or supplementary terms and conditions which Alipay MS may impose from time to time in relation to the use of the Alipay MS Services shall be deemed to form part of these Terms and Conditions.
We, us and our
mean Alipay MS.
You and your
means you, the natural person or legal entity in whose name the Alipay MS Services are registered to.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Top Up Service (Advanced Service)
These Supplementary Terms andConditions for Top Up Service (Advanced Service) (the "Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top UpService)") supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions relating tothe availability and use of the Alipay MS Services ("Terms and Conditions") between you and Alipay MerchantServices Pte. Ltd. (company registration number: 201735998W). Please read themcarefully.
You agree that the Terms andConditions you entered into with Alipay MS will be supplemented as set out inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) with immediateeffect.
1. TheseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) relate to the service ("Top Up Service")which Alipay MS will provide to enable you to top up the balance in your AlipayMS Account.
2. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions between you and Alipay MS.These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) shall be deemed to form part of the Terms and Conditions. Accordingly, all references inthe Terms and Conditions to the "Terms and Conditions" shall beconstrued as references to the Terms and Conditions as supplemented by theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service). Subject to the provisions of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service),the Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
3. Capitalised words and phrases used in theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)shall have the meaning givento them in the Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise defined in these SupplementaryTerms and Conditions (Top Up Service).
4. The Top Up Service is subject to all provisions underthe Terms and Conditions, as well as the additional terms set out below.
1. If you are eligible for and have elected to receive the Top Up Service,you, as payer, may top up the balance inyour Alipay MS Account by means of wire transfers (including ACH, SEPA, andSWIFT) by providing your Credentials to your bank or your account with such Alipay MS affiliatesas we may allow from time to time to instruct your bank or such Alipay MSaffiliate to transfer funds from your bank or such Alipay MS affiliate accountto your Alipay MS Account. The bank or Alipay MS affiliate account from whichyou transfer funds must be in the same name as your Alipay MS Account.
2. Once your funds have been received by ourdesignated bank (the "Relevant Bank")from your bank or such Alipay MS affiliate as notified to us by the RelevantBank, a corresponding value will be credited to your Alipay MS Account. You agree to pay all fees, including anyapplicable currency conversion fees, associated with the conversion and theprocessing of funds by the Relevant Bank. You acknowledge and agree that youbear all risks of loss in connection with the transfer of your funds to yourAlipay MS Account including those arising from any changes in the currencyexchange rates between the time you instruct your bank to transfer funds fromyour bank or Alipay MS affiliate account and the time that the funds arecredited to your Alipay MS Account.
3. The time it takes for incoming funds to reach the RelevantBank is not within Alipay MS's or the RelevantBank’s control. If you do not receivean expected inbound fund transfer, we may use reasonable effort to assist yourinquiry. Incoming funds may also be subject to the terms and conditions of thepayer originating the funds transfer or the bank or other provider sending thepayment or funds transfer. Any issues or disputes associated with such termsand conditions should be resolved directly with the payer originating the fundtransfer or the bank or other provider involved and are not the responsibilityof Alipay MS or the Relevant Bank.
4. You should be aware that using the Alipay MS Servicesto receive incoming funds does not necessarily mean that these transactionscannot be reversed. We reserve the right to reverse a payment in case of anerroneous payment or if your bank or payment service provider has reversed (oris reasonably likely to reverse) a payment which was used to fund the top up.To the extent you receive any funds in error, you agree to immediately notifyAlipay MS and consent to Alipay MS reversing the transaction where necessary.
5. We reserve the right to reject or limit payments andfunds transfers to you at any time at our sole discretion. Payments and fundstransfers to you may be rejected for any reason, including but not limited toreasons related to compliance with Applicable Law (including Applicable Law onanti-money laundering) or Alipay MS risk management policies or procedures.When rejecting a payment or funds transfer to you, Alipay MS will be under noobligation to disclose the reason for the rejection.
6. Only payers approved by Alipay MS in Alipay MS's solediscretion may make payments or transfer funds to your Alipay MS Account.Incoming fund transfers sent by payers that are not approved by Alipay MS willbe declined and returned to the payer. Any costs and expenses associated withthe declined incoming fund transfers shall be borne by you or the payer, asapplicable. If an incoming fund transfer is rejected for any reason, fees maybe charged by the bank or other provider sending the payment or fund transfer.You are solely responsible for any fees incurred in connection with payments orfund transfers that are rejected.
3. definitions
Various terms in these Supplementary Terms andConditions (TopUp Service) have a defined meaning as setout in the table below. Words importing the singular shall include the pluraland vice versa.
Relevant Bank
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 2.2.
Top Up Service
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1.1.
1. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) shall be governed by Singapore law. In the event of any dispute or claimarising from or in connection with these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) or your use of the Alipay MS Services, the relevant parties shall resolvesuch dispute or claim through amicable negotiations. If such dispute or claim is still notresolved (including any dispute on the existence, validity or termination ofthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)), you irrevocably consent to the matter being referred to and finallyresolved by arbitration in Singapore administered by the SingaporeInternational Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”). If any dispute is submitted tothe SIAC for arbitration, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance withthe Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) in force at the time of applyingfor arbitration, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in thisparagraph. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The arbitrationpanel shall consist of one single arbitrator. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the arbitration shall be conductedin English. The arbitration awardrendered by the SIAC shall be final and binding on all the relevant parties.
2. If any provision of this Supplementary Terms andConditions (Top Up Service) is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deletedand the remaining provisions shall be enforced.
3. A breach of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) will be deemed to be a breach of the Terms and Conditions.
4. Any failure by Alipay MS to exercise any of our rightsunder these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) shall not constitute a waiver of such right or a waiver with respect tosubsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall be effective only if made inwriting.
5. Alipay MS shall have the right to assign theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)(including all of our rights, titles, benefits, interests, andobligations and duties in these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)) to any of our affiliates and to any successor in interest. Alipay MS maydelegate certain of Alipay MS’ rights and responsibilities under theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)to its affiliates, independentcontractors or other third parties.
6. A person who is not a party to these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Chapter53B of Singapore, to enforce any term of these Supplementary Terms andConditions (Top Up Service), save that the Relevant Bank shall have the right to enforce allprovisions of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service) conferring rights, exemptions, protections or otherbenefits on it, and where any obligations are owed by you to an Alipay MSaffiliate, each of such Alipay MS affiliate may enforce the terms of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Top Up Service)against you.
7. In the event of a conflict between these SupplementaryTerms and Conditions (Top Up Service) and the Terms and Conditions, the provision requiring ahigher standard shall apply.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Global Payment Service (AdvancedService)
These Supplementary Terms andConditions for Global Payment Service (Advanced Service) (the "Supplementary Terms and Conditions (GlobalPayment Service)") supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditionsrelating to the availability and use of the Alipay MS Services ("Terms and Conditions") between youand Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd. (company registration number:201735998W). Please read them carefully.
You agree that the Terms andConditions you entered into with Alipay MS will be supplemented as set out inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) withimmediate effect.
1. TheseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) relate to the service ("GlobalPayment Service") which Alipay MS will provide to enable you to makepayment to (a) a bank account, Alipay MS Account or Alipay affiliate account ofa supplier or Alibaba Platform as settlement payment for goods and services youobtained from such supplier or Alibaba Platform or (b) any other Alipay MSAccount or Alipay affiliate account that you have notified to Alipay MS.
2. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions betweenyou and Alipay MS. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) shall be deemed to form part of the Terms andConditions. Accordingly,all references in the Terms and Conditions to the "Terms andConditions" shall be construed as references to the Terms and Conditionsas supplemented by these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service). Subject to the provisions of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service), the Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force andeffect.
3. Capitalised words and phrases used in theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) shall havethe meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise definedin these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service).
4. The Global Payment Service is subject to all provisionsunder the Terms and Conditions, as well as the additional terms set out below.
1. If you are eligible for and have elected to receivethe Global Payment Service, you will be able to make payment to (a) a bankaccount, Alipay MS Account or Alipay affiliate account of a supplier or AlibabaPlatform as settlement payment for goods and services you obtained from suchsupplier or Alibaba Platform or (b) any other Alipay MS Account or Alipayaffiliate account that you have notified to Alipay MS.
2. You must ensure that the payment details you enter formaking a payment are correct and complete.
3. If you provide or confirm incorrect beneficiarydetails, we will not be liable for any loss you incur.
4. If you inadvertently make a wrong payment, you mayrequest that we assist you in reclaiming the funds; however, we may charge youan administration fee for doing so and cannot guarantee that the reclamation effortswill be successful.
5. Making payments from your Alipay MS Account may besubject to per-transaction limits, which may be adjusted from time to time inour sole discretion.
6. We may decline or defer your request to make a paymentand require you to send us additional documents to verify you and/or thereceiving party's respective information such as identity, address, source offunds or reason for payment, before we effect the requested payment. You agreeto cooperate with us in providing such documents and information.
7. You can only make a withdrawal or payment using yourAlipay MS Account balance to the extent that you have enough balance to supportthe withdrawals or payments. You are not allowed to make a withdrawal orpayment in excess of your Alipay MS Account balance. We will not extend creditin connection with your use of the Alipay MS Account.
8. In the event any withdrawal or payment is notsuccessful and the funds revert back to us, you authorize us to credit thefunds back to your account, less any fees which may be charged by the bankprovider or any other payment provider.
1. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) shall be governed by Singapore law. In the event ofany dispute or claim arising from or in connection with these SupplementaryTerms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) or your use of the Alipay MS Services, the relevantparties shall resolve such dispute or claim through amicable negotiations. If such dispute or claim is still notresolved (including any dispute on the existence, validity or termination ofthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service)), you irrevocably consent to the matter beingreferred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore administered bythe Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”). If anydispute is submitted to the SIAC for arbitration, the arbitration shall beconducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) inforce at the time of applying for arbitration, which rules are deemed to beincorporated by reference in this paragraph. The seat of the arbitration shallbe Singapore. The arbitration panel shall consist of one singlearbitrator. Unless the parties agreeotherwise, the arbitration shall be conducted in English. The arbitration award rendered by the SIACshall be final and binding on all the relevant parties.
2. If any provision of this Supplementary Terms andConditions (Global Payment Service) is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provisionshall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.
3. A breach of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) will be deemed to be a breach of the Terms andConditions.
4. Any failure by Alipay MS to exercise any of our rightsunder these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) shall not constitute a waiver of such right or awaiver with respect to subsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall beeffective only if made in writing.
5. Alipay MS shall have the right to assign theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) (includingall of our rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service)) to any of our affiliates and to any successor ininterest. Alipay MS may delegate certain of Alipay MS’ rights andresponsibilities under these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) to its affiliates, independent contractors or otherthird parties.
6. A person who is not a party to these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of ThirdParties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, to enforce any term of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service), save that where anyobligations are owed by you to an Alipay MS affiliate, each of such Alipay MSaffiliate may enforce the terms of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Global Payment Service) against you.
7. In the event of a conflict between these Supplementary Terms andConditions (Global Payment Service) and the Terms andConditions, the provision requiring a higher standard shall apply.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Currency Conversion Service (BasicService)
These Supplementary Terms andConditions for Currency Conversion Service (Basic Service) (the "Supplementary Terms and Conditions(Currency Conversion Service)") supplement the Alipay MS Terms andConditions relating to the availability and use of the Alipay MS Services("Terms and Conditions")between you and Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd. (company registrationnumber: 201735998W). Please read them carefully.
You agree that the Terms andConditions you entered into with Alipay MS will be supplemented as set out inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) with immediate effect.
1. TheseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) relate to theservice ("Currency Conversion Service") which Alipay MS will provide toenable you to convert funds in your Alipay MS Account from one currency toanother. The Currency Conversion Service form part of the Basic Services provided by Alipay MS.
2. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions betweenyou and Alipay MS. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) shall be deemed to form part of the Terms andConditions. Accordingly,all references in the Terms and Conditions to the "Terms andConditions" shall be construed as references to the Terms and Conditionsas supplemented by these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (CurrencyConversion Service). Subject to theprovisions of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency ConversionService), the Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
3. Capitalised words and phrases used in theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) shall have the meaning given to them in the Terms andConditions, unless otherwise defined in these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service).
4. The Currency Conversion Service is subject to allprovisions under the Terms and Conditions, as well as the additional terms setout below.
1. If you are eligible for and have elected to receivethe Currency Conversion Service, you will be able to convert funds in yourAlipay MS Account from one currency to another.
2. Each Currency Conversion Contract shall be anindividual contract subject to the Currency Conversion Commercial Terms andthese Terms and Conditions (as supplemented by these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service)). We may atany time and at our sole discretion refuse to offer terms for any CurrencyConversion Contract.
3. When you contact us in relation to a proposed currencyconversion you must provide us with all relevant information we require inorder to execute the currency conversion(s).
4. We convert the funds from the Original Currency to theTarget Currency to support your commercial activities. Therefore, you shouldnot use the Currency Conversion Service for investment or speculative purposessuch as by trying to profit from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and youshould tell us if that is your intention. We may decline to deal with you if wehave reason to believe that you are using any Currency Conversion Contract forinvestment or speculative purposes.
5. On receipt of your instruction relating to theexecution of a Currency Conversion Contract, we will specify the amount of theOriginal Currency required, the amount of the Target Currency which will beconverted to for you, the conversion rate offered, applicable fees, anytransmission costs, a date by which the Original Currency must have arrived incleared funds in the bank account specified by us (such date being the samedate that we receive your instruction) (“InstructionDate”) and such other terms as may be necessary in connection with theCurrency Conversion Contract (collectively, the “Currency Conversion Commercial Terms”).
6. Once you accept the Currency Conversion CommercialTerms, you will become legally bound to perform the Currency ConversionContract in accordance with those terms and the Terms and Conditions (assupplemented by these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service)).
7. We will enter into all Currency Conversion Contractsas principal unless it is specifically agreed that we shall act as your agentand we shall have no responsibility to any other person other than you. We, atthe same time as concluding a currency conversion with you, will usually alsoenter into a matching transaction with our banking or other counterparty.
8. In the event that you enter into a Currency ConversionContract with us and it transpires that the currency involved in thetransaction (Original Currency or Target Currency) is withdrawn orredenominated into another currency by the relevant authorities, for whatsoeverreason, before the Value Date, you will still be bound to perform the CurrencyConversion Contract. In these circumstances we will use our reasonableendeavours to replace the withdrawn or redenominated currency with the domesticcurrency of the country where the funds are being sent to or received using anconversion rate determined by us (acting reasonably). We will be entitled torecover from you reasonable costs incurred by us in acting in accordance withthis paragraph.
Various terms in these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service) have adefined meaning as set out in the table below. Words importing the singularshall include the plural and vice versa.
Currency Conversion Service
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1.1.
Currency Conversion Commercial Terms
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 2.5.
Currency Conversion Contract
means each and every currency conversion contract entered into between you and us.
Instruction Date
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 2.5.
Original Currency
means the currency being converted from by us for you.
Target Currency
means the currency being converted to by us for you.
Value Date
means the date your Target Currency becomes ready for delivery. The Value Date is the same date as the Instruction Date, provided that the instructions from you are received before a cut-off time on the Instruction Date as Alipay MS may determine in its sole discretion. If the instructions are received after such cut-off time on the Instruction Date, the Value Date shall be the next business day that commercial banks are open in Singapore, in the country whose currency is the Original Currency and in the country whose currency is the Target Currency.
1. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) shall be governed by Singapore law. In the event ofany dispute or claim arising from or in connection with these SupplementaryTerms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) or your use of the Alipay MS Services, the relevant parties shall resolvesuch dispute or claim through amicable negotiations. If such dispute or claim is still notresolved (including any dispute on the existence, validity or termination ofthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service)), you irrevocably consent to the matter beingreferred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore administered bythe Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”). If anydispute is submitted to the SIAC for arbitration, the arbitration shall beconducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) inforce at the time of applying for arbitration, which rules are deemed to beincorporated by reference in this paragraph. The seat of the arbitration shallbe Singapore. The arbitration panel shall consist of one singlearbitrator. Unless the parties agreeotherwise, the arbitration shall be conducted in English. The arbitration award rendered by the SIACshall be final and binding on all the relevant parties.
2. If any provision of this Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service) is held tobe invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remainingprovisions shall be enforced.
3. A breach of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) will be deemed to be a breach of the Terms andConditions.
4. Any failure by Alipay MS to exercise any of our rightsunder these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) shall not constitute a waiver of such right or awaiver with respect to subsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall beeffective only if made in writing.
5. Alipay MS shall have the right to assign theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) (including all of our rights, titles, benefits,interests, and obligations and duties in these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service)) to any ofour affiliates and to any successor in interest. Alipay MS may delegate certainof Alipay MS’ rights and responsibilities under these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service) to itsaffiliates, independent contractors or other third parties.
6. A person who is not a party to these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of ThirdParties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, to enforce any term of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service), save that where any obligations are owed by you toan Alipay MS affiliate, each of such Alipay MS affiliate may enforce the termsof these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Currency Conversion Service) against you.
7. In the event of a conflict between these Supplementary Terms andConditions (CurrencyConversion Service) and the Terms and Conditions, the provision requiring ahigher standard shall apply.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Alibaba Payment Service (AdvancedService)
These Supplementary Terms and Conditionsfor Alibaba Payment Service (Advanced Service) (the "Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service)")supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions relating to the availability anduse of the Alipay MS Services ("Termsand Conditions") between you and Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd.(company registration number: 201735998W). Please read them carefully.
You agree that the Terms andConditions you entered into with Alipay MS will be supplemented as set out inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) with immediate effect.
1. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) relate to the service ("AlibabaPayment Service") which Alipay MS will provide to enable you to payfor the Alibaba Platform Security Deposit and Alibaba Platform fees using thefunds in your Alipay MS Account.
2. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) supplement the Alipay MS Terms and Conditions betweenyou and Alipay MS. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) shall be deemed to form part of the Terms andConditions. Accordingly,all references in the Terms and Conditions to the "Terms andConditions" shall be construed as references to the Terms and Conditionsas supplemented by these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service). Subject to the provisions of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service), the Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force andeffect.
3. Capitalised words and phrases used in theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) shall havethe meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise definedin these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service).
4. The Alibaba Payment Service is subject to allprovisions under the Terms and Conditions, as well as the additional terms setout below.
1. If you are eligible for and have elected to receivethe Alibaba Payment Service, you will be able to pay for the Alibaba PlatformSecurity Deposit and Alibaba Platform fees using the funds in your Alipay MSAccount.
2. Alibaba Platform Security Deposit.
A. If you are a registered member of the Alibaba Platforms,the transaction services in connection with the sales of products and servicesbetween you and buyers on the Alibaba Platforms are set out in separate termsand conditions with the respective Alibaba Platforms (“Alibaba Platform Terms”). Upon enteringinto the Alibaba Platforms Terms, you may have authorized the Alibaba Platformsto freeze a certain amount in your Alipay MS Account as the security deposit tosecure your due performance of obligations under the Alibaba Platforms Terms("Alibaba Platform Security Deposit").
B. If so, you hereby authorize Alipay MS to receiveinstructions from the Alibaba Platforms regarding the Alibaba Platform Security Deposit on your behalf and to act in accordance with the instructions received.You confirm that Alipay MS may deem such instructions received from the AlibabaPlatforms as equivalent to a specific instruction provided by yourself, andAlipay MS will not be required to verify with you the authenticity, accuracyand validity of such instructions received from the Alibaba Platforms, orwhether the instructions are in compliance with the Alibaba Platform Terms.
C. Alipay MS will act in accordance with the instructionsreceived from the Alibaba Platforms, including deducting from your Alipay MSAccount balance such amount as stated in the instructions such that your total available Alipay MSAccount balance is reduced, and reflecting such Alibaba Platform Security Deposit in your transaction records (which will not be part of your availableAlipay MS Account balance). Alipay MS will also administer the Alibaba PlatformSecurity Deposit on anongoing basis in accordance with anyinstructions received from the Alibaba Platforms from time to time, includingto deduct any sums from the Alibaba Platform Security Deposit and to transfersuch amounts to the Alibaba Platform, or to increase the Alibaba PlatformSecurity Deposit amount (by deducting funds from your Alipay MS Accountbalance) from time to time. We may alsoreceive instructions from the Alibaba Platforms to freeze your Alipay MSAccount balance in the event the Alibaba Platform Security Deposit isinsufficient to cover your liability under Alibaba Platform Terms, or anyincrease of the Alibaba Platform SecurityDeposit is unsuccessful. You hereby authorize us to act in accordance with the instructionsreceived from the Alibaba Platforms.
D. You will be able to see on your transaction historywhen you log into the Merchant Portal all transactions related to your AlibabaPlatform Security Deposit.
E. For the avoidance of doubt, the Alibaba PlatformSecurity Deposit is not allowed to be used for making any payments by youwithout prior consent from the Alibaba Platforms.
3. Alibaba Platform fees.
A. Under the Alibaba Platform Terms, you are required topay certain fees to the Alibaba Platforms and you may choose to use the fundsin your Alipay MS Account to make such payment. If so, you hereby authorizeAlipay MS to receive instructions from the Alibaba Platforms regarding the feeson your behalf, and to act in accordance with the instructions received bydeducting an amount equal to the fees from your Alipay MS Account andtransferring such amount to the Alibaba Platforms. You confirm that Alipay MSmay deem such instructions received from the Alibaba Platforms as equivalent toa specific instruction provided by yourself, and Alipay MS will not be requiredto verify with you the authenticity, accuracy and validity of such instructionsreceived from the Alibaba Platforms, or whether such instructions are incompliance with the Alibaba Platform Terms.
4. You understand and acknowledge that Alipay MS mayprovide relevant information, including personal information, relating to yourAlipay MS Account to the Alibaba Platforms, Alipay MS affiliates and certainapproved suppliers from time to time, including balance, transaction details,etc in order to perform its obligations under the Terms and Conditions (assupplemented by these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service)) and to ensure that you have a seamless experienceusing the Alipay MS Account for the purposes of the Alibaba Payment Service.
5. You can only make a withdrawal or payment using yourAlipay MS Account balance to the extent that you have enough balance to supportthe withdrawals or payments. You are not allowed to make a withdrawal orpayment in excess of your Alipay MS Account balance. We will not extend creditin connection with your use of the Alipay MS Account.
6. In the event any withdrawal or payment is notsuccessful and the funds revert back to us, you authorize us to credit thefunds back to your Alipay MS Account, less any fees which may be charged by thebank provider or any other payment provider.
Various terms in these Supplementary Terms andConditions (AlibabaPayment Service) have adefined meaning as set out in the table below. Words importing the singularshall include the plural and vice versa.
Alibaba Payment Service
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1.1.
Alibaba Platform Security Deposit
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 2.2(A).
Alibaba Platform Terms
has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 2.2(A).
1. These Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) shall be governed by Singapore law. In the event ofany dispute or claim arising from or in connection with these SupplementaryTerms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) or your use of the Alipay MS Services, the relevantparties shall resolve such dispute or claim through amicable negotiations. If such dispute or claim is still notresolved (including any dispute on the existence, validity or termination ofthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service)), you irrevocably consent to the matter beingreferred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore administered bythe Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”). If anydispute is submitted to the SIAC for arbitration, the arbitration shall beconducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) inforce at the time of applying for arbitration, which rules are deemed to beincorporated by reference in this paragraph. The seat of the arbitration shallbe Singapore. The arbitration panel shall consist of one singlearbitrator. Unless the parties agreeotherwise, the arbitration shall be conducted in English. The arbitration award rendered by the SIACshall be final and binding on all the relevant parties.
2. If any provision of this Supplementary Terms andConditions (Alibaba Payment Service) is held to be invalid or unenforceable, suchprovision shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.
3. A breach of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) will be deemed to be a breach of the Terms andConditions.
4. Any failure by Alipay MS to exercise any of our rightsunder these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) shall not constitute a waiver of such right or awaiver with respect to subsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall beeffective only if made in writing.
5. Alipay MS shall have the right to assign theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) (includingall of our rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties inthese Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service)) to any of our affiliates and to any successor ininterest. Alipay MS may delegate certain of Alipay MS’ rights andresponsibilities under these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) to its affiliates, independent contractors or otherthird parties.
6. A person who is not a party to these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of ThirdParties) Act, Chapter 53B of Singapore, to enforce any term of theseSupplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service), save that where anyobligations are owed by you to an Alipay MS affiliate, each of such Alipay MSaffiliate may enforce the terms of these Supplementary Terms and Conditions (Alibaba Payment Service) against you.
7. In the event of a conflict between these Supplementary Terms andConditions (Alibaba Payment Service) and the Terms andConditions, the provision requiring a higher standard shall apply.

Notice for non-Singapore residents
In compliance with Notice No.PSN08 issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, we hereby notify ourclients: Alipay Merchant Services PteLtd (“Alipay MS”) is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to providee-money issuance services. Please note that this does not mean you will be ableto recover all the money you paid to Alipay MS if Alipay MS’s business fails.